Knowing the Risen Christ

Jesus. Fully Human. Fully God. 

Get to know Him more.

Are you well-acquainted with Jesus?

If asked to categorize the relationships you have with people, where would they fit?

  • I’ve met them.
  • I know them casually.
  • I’ve seen them many times but couldn’t tell you much about them.
  • I am fairly well-acquainted with them.
  • I know them well.
  • I can talk for hours about them because we’ve spent a lot of time together.

The only way to really know someone is to invest your time in them and with them.  Listening to their heart and experiences reveals who they really are. It is the essence of human connection. It’s the same with Jesus. Why not purpose to spend more time with Jesus?

Only Believe He is the Christ

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John called himself “the one whom Jesus loved”. I imagine Jesus made John feel like he was the most important person in the world when they spoke.

Jesus captivated John’s heart with His love. This love brought John to believe.

The disciple Thomas, heard of His resurrection a week later, yet refused to believe until he saw Jesus with his own eyes. Jesus appeared to Thomas and said “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”   

How blessed we are today, because we can to choose to believe, by faith, without demanding visual evidence. 

Join us during March as we increase our faith in the Messiah, jesus Christ.

Are you Thirsty?

Jesus meets the woman from Samaria at the well. Engraving. Wellcome V0034715

Being born-again of the Spirit of God affords one the opportunity to never be thirsty again. 

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”   John 4:13-14

Imagine always being satisfied. 

Join us during February as we seek to embed more Godly wisdom into our spirit and soak in the goodness of  relationship with Jesus Christ.

Are you gentle and in control?

So you bear fruit!

Self-control enables us to bear all the fruit of the Spirit.

Have you ever wondered why “self-control” is last in the list of the fruit of the Spirit?

Could it be that God saved the best for last? Or, might the last one listed be the key to bearing all the other fruit?

I encourage you to join us as we consider gentleness and self control in the Word during December. 

The Goodness and Faithfulness of God is Ours

Perfectly Good.  Perfectly Faithful.


God’s goodness is our perfect example of how we are to be good to people.  


God’s faithfulness to us demonstrates how we are to be faithful to Him and to others.

As we read and meditate on God’s goodness and faithfulness, our heart is transformed into a reflection Him.  

We invite and encourage you to join us during November as we read daily scriptures on goodness and faithfulness. 

Are you patient and kind to people?

Patience and kindness are in my heart. Lord, I need them now before I say something that doesn't reflect you!

Being Patient and Kind to People 

God’s Spirit came to us with the fruits of patience and kindness.  During times of stress, it may not feel like it’s available to us. 

Reacting vs. Responding

The Spirit within us will always enable us to RESPOND to situations, rather than REACT out of our flesh. 

If you find yourself prone to react, consider holding your tongue, pausing for a moment and allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through you.

Fill your mind with God’s truth. Join us for October’s readings on patience and kindness.

Peace Like a River

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Join us as we read Scriptures on Peace

Does a river of peace flow up out of your spirit? 

I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs.  Isaiah 41:18

 The fruit of peace abides in the heart of every believer. We can call on it at all times.

Jesus said: Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”

Find your river of peace in God’s Word. 

The Fruit of Joy

Bearing the fruit of joy is contagious. God created everyone to desire joy, whether they have it now, or not.

Scripture teaches us that we are to be joyful. Being joyful requires us to CHOOSE to be joyful.  

When we yield to the Holy Spirit within our heart, the fruit of joy will overflow. Continue reading during August as we explore the fruit of the Spirit, of joy.

Responding in Love

Do People Know You Love Them?

God calls us to bear the fruit of love.  This love is not a feeling we have for others. Rather, it is an action we choose to take as we interact with others. 

Accomplishing this requires a few actions on our part:

1. We choose to remain yielded to and led by the Holy Spirit.

2. We pause before we speak and act, to give time for the Spirit to speak to us.

Consider the difference between reacting to a situtation and responding to it.

We typically react to situations out of our flesh.  We can, however, respond in love out of our born-again spirit.