HELP ME JESUS! I can’t see clearly.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:195

What do you need to see today?

Question:  If you’re walking in the dark, where do you need a light to shine?

Answer:  In front of you.  No one shines a light behind where they’ve already been. 

It’s the same with God’s Word.  We need the light of God’s truth and direction to guide us every step of every day.

Understanding God’s reasons for what He has said in His Word helps us receive and embrace His Word.

Join me during June as we ask God to shine His light on our path through His Word, every morning.  

What did you say, God?

Don't Get Mad! Learn Why.

If you’ve been saved by inviting Jesus into your heart, God’s plan is growth. One way we do this is through daily Bible reading. 

We’ve probably all read something that convicted us of our sin…something we were doing that “missed the mark” of God’s best for us.

Key point:  Children of God are CONVICTED, NOT CONDEMNED!

God’s Word convicts us by the Holy Spirit to learn and follow God’s ways. When we are convicted, we choose to change our behavior.

Always remember, it is the devil who condemns, not GOD. In Christ, you are NOT condemned! Romans 8:1

Join me in May’s Bible readings as we begin our study of “why” God says what He does.  

What is the Character of Your Faith?

Character Matters!

Growing in character requires a commitment to grow in and with Jesus Christ. 

Tips to Know Him More:

1. Seek Him: 

But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.

Deuteronomy 4:29

2. Spend Time With Him:

Pray continually.

1 Thessalonians 5:17

3. Worship Him:

Then the man said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped him.

John 9:38

Loving God requires Trusting Him. We can't truly love One we don't trust. Trusting God requires knowing Him. We can't trust One we don't know.

What if Esther had said “no”?

Esther was forced to make a choice.

What choice will you make today?

The Bible includes over 400 verses that include the words “If you”.  Many of these verses are followed by an explanation of the results of making the choice or not making it.

We have responsibility for each choice and the results we receive.  The wonderful news is we can know God’s plan for our choices before we make them.  

The more we seek to know God’s perspective on our choices, the better our lives will be.