It is Finished and He is Alive!

The Diety of Christ is the story of the Gospel of John.  Through His words in intimate conversations with His chosen disciples, the world now possesses the truth of God’s will and desire for salvation of all people.

The baby born in Bethlehem who became a teacher and prophet has been revealed as God incarnate, God Himself, in the person of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.  

Join us during September as we conclude our 9-month reading of John.  Soak in every word. Meditate on it and know that God chose you to be saved through Jesus. 

God’s Plan for Fruit

It’s all about fruit

This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.      John 15:8

The Bible has a lot to say about God’s plan for fruit.  

Our 2022 Bible Reading is all about fruit. 

Get started with the January plan and look forward to a year of increasing fruit in your life!

HELP ME JESUS! I can’t see clearly.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:195

What do you need to see today?

Question:  If you’re walking in the dark, where do you need a light to shine?

Answer:  In front of you.  No one shines a light behind where they’ve already been. 

It’s the same with God’s Word.  We need the light of God’s truth and direction to guide us every step of every day.

Understanding God’s reasons for what He has said in His Word helps us receive and embrace His Word.

Join me during June as we ask God to shine His light on our path through His Word, every morning.